Sunday, 27 December 2015

Main Course Food Precinct, University of Queensland, St Lucia

Two Fridays ago I once again for the sake of this blog decided to try something I have not reviewed before on my break at work.  On this occasion UQ's Main Course Food Precinct was the most convenient location.  Even though I had reservations, I decided to order potato wedges.  It turns out my reservations were well founded.  Just about anything that can go wrong with wedges applied to my snack.  The coating was not crunchy enough.  The potato was underdone, floury, and dry, and had little flavour.  There is very little else I can say on the matter, other than that the wedges were not completely inedible.  In fact, if you really like wedges, you'd probably consider these wedges to be at least decent.  But I suppose the fact of the matter is when it comes to wedges I'm a lot more fussy than I am with chips.  This is probably because I know of many other locations that offer really good wedges, and these wedges have ruined my tolerance of simple, refectory potato wedges (which is really what these wedges were).  One day I am likely to review these better wedges, so watch this space.

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