Saturday, 17 October 2015

Pit Stop Pastries and Pizza, West End


I have been aware of the existence of this pizza place for a while now, but it is only recently that Pit Stop have gone to the effort of creating website.  On Friday I visited this website and thought that Pit Stop might be a nice place for dinner.  I ordered the "Greek" pizza.  This has olives, pepperoni, sausage, garlic, and feta (I guess this is what makes it Greek).  The first thing I noticed is that this was a greasy pizza.  This might sound like a bad thing, but it was not.  It wasn't greasy in a Domino's sense.  It was the kind of grease that packs a lot of flavour, and it's not like the grease was dripping down my hands as I ate it.  The base was of the thin variety, which is normally not my favourite, as it can be either to crispy, or so soft that each slice droops.  I think that the folks at Pit Stop have mastered the art of creating a thin base; soft, but not droopy.  The toppings were all quality and complemented each other nicely.  I would have liked some anchovies though.  Despite containing two types of cheese, this was not a particularly cheesy pizza.  I think that the amount of cheese was just about right.  I don't think I've ever had feta on a pizza, but in my opinion I think that it worked well.  There is really not much more that can be said, other than that this was a good, traditional style pizza, and I'm glad that I have discovered that there is more than one worthwhile pizza option in my neighbourhood.

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