Sunday, 4 October 2015

Grill'd, West End

Image result for grill'd logo

The Friday before last I went to Grill'd for dinner.  Grill'd is one of the better burger chains operating in Brisbane.  On this occasion I ordered the Caesar's Palace, which is a chicken burger inspired by a Caesar salad and chips.  I have reviewed a number of chicken burgers in this blog, and I would have to say that Grill'd's Caesar's Palace is the best.  It is not perfect however.  To start with, I think that the Caesar's Palace is a good combination of ingredients for a burger.  There is a chicken fillet, bacon fried egg, cos lettuce, and Caesar salad dressing; all quality.  Sometimes with larger burgers, there is more filling than the bun can reasonably accommodate.  This means that you have filling falling out and it makes the eating process quite messy.  This is not the case at Grill'd (at least in my experience).  The bun to filling ratio is just about right.  I mentioned that all the ingredients in this burger were quality, but there was a slight quantitative issue surrounding the Caesar salad dressing.  There was not enough of it.  Chicken, bacon, and egg are tasty enough on their own, but when Caesar salad dressing is added, it really enhances the flavour.  The fact that this burger was slightly lacking in Caesar salad dressing meant that some bites were tastier than others.  Despite this, it was a generally pleasant burger.  Grill'd's chips are good, but not great.  They come seasoned with sea salt and herbs, which is a plus.  However, the batter is slightly lacking in crunch, but at least it's not soggy.  The potato itself is a little floury for my tastes.  These slight negatives are mitigated by the fact that the herbed mayonnaise that can accompany the chips is big on flavour.  So, if I ever find myself dining on this particular burger again, I will have to ask for extra dressing, but I don't think that there is anything I can do about the chips.

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