Thursday, 20 August 2015

Donini's Pizza, West End

Donini's Pizza - Wishart

I believed I have expressed my desire in this blog of sampling Donini's Pizza's bacon and egg pizza.  Last Saturday I seized this opportunity.  Let me start by saying that putting bacon and egg on a pizza is a genius idea, and it is an inherently good meal.  More pizza places should do it.  The only time I have ever been unsatisfied with such a dish is when onions were present.  Thankfully, this is not the case at Donini's.  So what can be said about Donini's interpretation of the dish?  On the plus side, there were generous portions of both bacon and egg.  Also, in addition to mozzarella, there was Parmesan cheese, which gave the pizza a little extra bite (I would have liked more Parmesan though, but its presence was certainly appreciated).  On one of the slices the egg was under-cooked.  This might sound like a bad thing, but in my opinion, pizza is the only context where under-cooked egg can be seen as a positive.  Runny yolk and white mixes with the tomato sauce and almost forms a sauce of its own that compliments the bacon nicely.  However, I think the fact that only one slice arrived this way indicates that this was an accident and not the design of the pizza chef.  The only thing that might be described as a negative was related to the tomato sauce.  The sauce could have been stronger or employed at a greater quantity to really add some flavour to the pizza.  This is not to say that the pizza was bland, merely that it could have been tastier.  Anyway, I was satisfied with Donini's take on bacon and egg pizza, and the fact that there is once again a pizza place in my neighbourhood that offers the dish can only work in Donini's favour.

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