Wednesday, 22 July 2015

U-Sushi, University of Queensland, St Lucia

U Sushi

On Monday I arrived at work expecting to pick up my usual bacon and cheese sausage roll from On a Roll Bakery.  To my dismay I discovered that it was shut for a week due to renovations.  I searched around looking for something simple I could enjoy on my break and finally arrived at U-Sushi.  I have only had sushi a couple of times before and am not I entirely sure why:  I have no fundamental objection to the concept of raw fish.  Anyway, I looked at the various types of sushi available and settled upon two salmon and cream cheese sushis (how do you pluralise sushi?).  When the time came I ate my sushi.  I was pleasantly surprised.  There was nothing I did not like on the sushi, just rice, seaweed, cream cheese and salmon which are fairly basic flavours, but when I bit into it I was not expecting it to be so tasty.  I did make use of the included little plastic fish with soy sauce in them, but even without it there was a good amount of flavour.  A note on those little plastic fish things:  I think they're great.  They dispense soy sauce one drop of a time and this really allows you to control the amount of soy sauce on your sushi (or whatever).  I enjoyed this sushi so much that I returned there today, and this time ordered satay chicken.  I have never heard of satay chicken sushi before, but then again as I have previously admitted am not a sushi expert.  This was also a pleasant experience, perhaps not as good as the salmon and cream cheese but still satisfying.  The satay sauce was a little on the sweet side, which is not how I prefer my satay sauce, but it wasn't too sweet.  The use of soy sauce here really offset this though.  The chicken was crumbed which could have been great.  There was a small amount of the chicken sticking out of the sushi, which, when bitten into was crunchy.  However, the chicken inside the sushi was rendered soggier.  This was not a bad thing, but had the chicken maintained its crunchiness it would have been noticeably better.  What I can take away from these experiences is that U-Sushi has made me a believer in sushi and I am likely to partake of it more often in the future.

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