Saturday, 4 July 2015

Top In Town Indian, West End

The Saturday before last I had dinner at Top In Town Indian in West End.  Top In Town is one of the two casual Indian restaurants in West End.  Naturally, it is not as good as a typical a la carte, table service restaurant, but it still provides quality food at reasonable prices.  What is interesting about this particular Top In Town (which is a chain) is that there is no set menu, so customers are left with the whims of the chef on any given day.  I have been there a number of times and on each of those occasions there has been a curry that they call "Chicken 65".  I don't know where that name came from but it was my reason for dining at Top In Town that day.  Chicken 65 is a dry curry, which is something that I normally avoid as I consider one of the joys of Indian cuisine to be dipping bread in the sauce.  However, Chicken 65 makes up for this with its great flavours.  Usually, Chicken 65 is red in colour, but on this day it was yellow.  This had me concerned that they had changed the recipe, but I ordered it anyway.  At Top In Town they serve the food on trays, which are sectioned off; one section for rice and other sections for each curry ordered (one of the appeals of Top In Town is that one can order up to three combinations of curry).  Anyway, it seemed to me that the amount of curry I was served was poxy, so I asked for another serve.  I soon discovered that the section of the tray that carries the curry is actually deceptively large, and I was left more food than I could eat in one sitting.  This wasn't necessarily a bad thing, as there were enough leftovers to furnish me with a satisfying dinner a couple of nights later.  As for the curry itself, my concerns about the unusual colour were assuaged when I experienced the taste I have come to expect from Chicken 65.  If anything, it might have been a little bit more spicy than usual.  This was by no means a bad thing.  Chicken 65 is a tangy, spicy curry that delivers big time in terms of flavour.  It also has the welcome property that the flavours of the curry manage to permeate the rice, despite it being a dry curry.  While I have had mixed experiences with other curries served by Top In Town, Chicken 65 is possibly the best cheap meal one can get in my neighbourhood.

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