Monday, 15 June 2015

The Newsroom Cafe, Toowong

Two weeks ago I found myself in Toowong with some time to kill.  I felt like something light to snack upon, and after perusing the various eating options Toowong has to offer, I decided to get some tea and buttered toast from The Newsroom Cafe.  Forking over five bucks or so for two slices of toast may not seem like some to be good  value.  However, for as long as I can remember my toasters have been of poor quality:  not evenly toasting the bread.  So for me, good toast is something of a luxury.  Anyway, I wasn't expecting much; just evenly toasted bread.  However, when my food arrived I was pleasantly surprised.  I got two thick pieces of some sort of brown bread that looked to be of high quality.  I'm no bread expert, but I think it might have been sourdough, and it is possible that this bread was baked on the premises.  While the bread was thick, it was also very light and toasted in such a way that there was a lot of give when biting it; certainly a plus.  The only drawback was the amount of butter on the toast.  I like my toast slathered in butter.  I'm sure that if I had asked, they would have accommodated my tastes, but I didn't think to do so, so I can't really complain.  As for the tea, it was proper leaf tea, but the pot only yielded two cups, but I suppose that's par for the course these days.

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