Monday, 15 June 2015

Oporto, Myer Centre, Brisbane City

Image result for oporto logo

Two Thursdays ago I decided to have lunch at Oporto, a destination I have not visited many times.  I ordered a Bondi Burger (grilled chicken, lettuce, and a tangy sauce, served on a bun) and chips.  The first thing I noticed was that, for a fast-food type establishment, the burger was a decent size.  The bun was nice and soft.  Grilled is not my favourite preparation of chicken, but in this case, it was done quite well.  My only quibble with the burger was the sauce.  On the plus side, it was spicier than what you'd expect from a franchise like Oporto.  However, there was some sort of flavour in the sauce that I felt was about of place.  I couldn't put my finger on it, but when I bit into the burger, something was wrong in terms of taste.  It didn't ruing the meal entirely, but without this mystery flavour, the burger would have been a lot better.  The chips were okay, but after eating the burger, I was no longer hungry, so I didn't finish them.

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