Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Main Course Food Precinct, University of Queensland, St Lucia

On Monday I felt like a ham and cheese sandwich for my break at work, so I went to the Main Course Food Precinct at UQ.  This is the largest refectory on the campus.  They have a range of sandwiches, but rarely ham and cheese.  Unsurprisingly, there were no ham and cheese sandwiches, so I decided to give one of their other sandwiches a try.  I settled upon what was labeled as a "long crusty roll".  This was essentially a chicken Caesar salad on a roll.  On the plus side, this was a very generous roll.  It was full of chicken, bacon, eggs, and cheese, with surprisingly little salad:  certainly more fillings than what you would get from, say, Subway.  This suited my fine.  The drawback, however, was that there was little Caesar salad dressing.  I wasn't expecting the roll to be swimming in the stuff, but it really was lacking what really would have enhanced the flavour.  While this was a decent roll, I doubt I would try it again as there are number of better food options at UQ.

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