Thursday, 19 November 2015

Main Course Food Precinct, University of Queensland, St Lucia

For some time I have been aware that the refectories at the University of Queensland have offered breakfast muffins.  However, I have tended to avoid them as I believed that they would be of the "McMuffin" variety.  As a child, my grandmother would take me to McDonald's for breakfast quite regularly and I have fond memories of the McMuffins.  In recent years though, I have found McMuffins to be quite unappealing.  A couple of weeks ago, I observed someone eating a Main Course Food Precinct breakfast muffin and it actually looked pretty good so I made a note to myself to try one one day.  I did just that on Thursday and Friday last week.  On Thursday I had a bacon and egg muffin.  As soon as I felt it in my hand, pleasant memories of breakfast muffins came flooding back to me.  When I sat down to eat it I was pleased with how the muffin itself was cooked.  The egg was a little harder than I would like, but not overly so.  The bacon rasher was small and a little tough.  Overall the muffin was tasty enough and I was satisfied with the experience:  a simple bacon and egg muffin needs not to be anything special.  On Friday, I sampled the sausage and egg muffin.  First of all, I think the term sausage and egg muffin is something of a misnomer.  The meat one gets on a sausage and egg muffin does not match any type of sausage I am familiar with,  I would describe it more as a patty:  whether beef or pork I don't know.  Whatever you call it, I was once again happy with my choice.  The egg on this muffin was even more overdone than on the last, but I've been eating overdone eggs all my life, and I really do not have a serious problem with them.  Of the two muffins, I would say that the sausage (or whatever you want to call it) and egg muffin was better value, owing to the fact that the "sausage" was noticeably larger than the rasher of bacon.  I did feel that the presence of some cheese/and or sauce would not have gone astray.  It was for this reason that Tuesday of this week, I returned to the Main Course Food Precinct ordered similar muffins; this time with cheese.  I asked for some sauce, but apparently Main Course Food Precinct, unlike Physiol Eatery and Cafe, do not give out sauce sachets.  I was satisfied enough with the cheese even though it was clearly very low grade, but I'm yet to taste a cheese that I do not like.  My thoughts on the cheese as they pertained to my enjoyment of the muffins were "I could take it or leave it".  The cheese neither added to, nor detracted from my muffin experience.  Even though they are very humble, I am happy enough with Main Course Food Precinct's breakfast muffins, and am likely to continue ordering them to some extent in the future.  Furthermore, even though I do not hold high hopes, I may even go back to McDonald's if I happen to be near one one morning, and see if my feelings on McMuffins have altered.

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