Thursday, 24 September 2015

Violetta Espresso, West End Markets, West End

Three Thursdays ago, I found myself in the West End Markets, and peckish.  I did not feel like a full meal, but something relatively simple.  Violetta Espresso fitted the bill.  West End is famous for its cafes.  Violetta Espresso is not one of them.  It is a down-to-earth cafe in a down-to-earth shopping centre; one of many across Brisbane.  So my experience was a down-to-earth one.  I ordered a toasted bacon and egg sandwich.  In my experience, this is something that is almost impossible for any half competent preparer of food to get wrong, and this occasion was no exception.  The bread was standard supermarket white bread, but I wasn't expecting anything more, and sometimes, supermarket white bread is all you need.  Both the bacon and eggs were cooked in a down-to-earth manner, and tasted as such, but again, sometimes this is all you need.  It came with barbecue sauce, which is not my favourite sauce, but I find that it combines well with bacon and eggs.  Other than the fact that this was a down-to-earth experience, the only thing worth remarking on was how the bread was toasted.  It could have been toasted just a little bit longer, as by the time I was taking my last few bites, it became a little soggy due to the barbecue sauce.  However, this was only a minor drawback, and for the most part, I was satisfied with Violetta Espresso's down-to-earth-offering.  As an addendum, I also ordered a pot of tea, but it came with quite possibly the largest cup in which I have ever been served tea.  This made it difficult to get my tea to milk to sugar ratio right, but it worked out fine in the end.

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